designed to fit your needs
Our EPOS systems are part of a complete lifecycle service that includes specifications as well as after-sales support. We are experts at integrating hardware with Samstock Back Office, ICR TMS, Quorion and ECR Touch, SamTouch Office Cloud. With a wealth of features like stock monitoring, upselling/cross-selling and error notifications, you can rest assured that your business will be running smoothly.

Portable Options
Powered by SamTouch, enjoy the freedom of rugged and lightweight point-of-sale (POS) systems built for harsh environments. Run your retail or hospitality business more efficiently with a stylish, reliable and space-saving devices.

EPOS Equipment Norfolk
Will allow payment on the cloud when order has been placed and Touch Payment when integrated.
Just to let you know, Samtouch2Go now available, it is the new online take-away delivery and Order at table website and customer app which you can view online. We are aware the hospitality industry is going to struggle immensely over the coming months hence the reason for developing this. It will operate in stand-alone mode and it will interface into SamTouch.
Stand-alone - The system has a back office for you the client to print their orders as well as analytic information about sales, payments etc.
In addition, using a cloud receipt printer, you can print the orders automatically without any operator intervention.
Integration - Where integrated to SamTouch & SamTouch back-office cloud, the orders will be processed to open checks with the option to push these straight through to KP printing or alternatively held in a queue for the operator to confirm the order. Touch Payment with your integrated card machine when using SamTouch or ICRTouch.
Take-Away and Delivery System
Some key points with the takeaway & delivery system.
Order at table is a fairly simple process, but where you combined Take Away and Order@table functionality you may need to create separate products due to price differences and VAT differences. This can then be configured in SamTouch as recipes if you need to deal with inventory.